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Here to Assist

Can I join a group that has started?

We highly recommend taking part in all 6-weeks. The teaching of each week builds upon the understanding gained in the previous weeks.

What are your fees?

Individual attendance of the Fearproof 6-week journey is $159 for 6 weeks. Private coaching packages start at $249 for a single session. (See "Packages & Rates" for additional details)

What is coaching?

Narrative coaching can benefit anyone but common goals include: facing fears, increasing productivity, breaking and/or creating habits, improving teamwork dynamics, and facilitating difficult communications.

What if I miss a week?

We suggest anyone expecting to miss more than one week on the schedule to consider attending a different group. However, life happens to all of us and if it is inevitable every effort will be made to provide you with comprehensive notes to help you keep on track.


Schedule a no-obligation introductory meeting.

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